The Leads123 Guarantee

Leads123's guarantee ensures you will never have to pay for a lead with a bad name or false contact information. We employ extensive form checking and de-duping processes to ensure the highest quality leads in the industry.

Front-end form checking

  • Match zip code with state
  • Check phone number format
  • Validate email address
  • De-duping process
  • Profanity filter

Backend tracking

  • Each lead matched to media placement
  • IP address collected
  • 15-20% of leads are phone verified

However, occasionally a client will receive a lead with fake or false information. In this case, leads can be returned to for lead credit within 3 days of delivery based upon the following criteria:

  • The phone number is incorrect.
  • The contact information is incorrect.
  • Duplicate Lead from is received within 30 days
  • The lead is for raw land, mobile home, or commercial property

Simply log into your account and select the lead to return and a reason for return and we will schedule an immediate replacement. It couldn't be easier!

First Name 
Last Name 
Phone --
What types of leads will you be purchasing?
loan modification student loan
refinance credit repair
How many leads per day?

About Leads123

The Wisdom Companies is a premier provider of targeted online marketing services. The company streamlines the client acquisition process by matching targeted consumers with top service providers.